Friday, September 21, 2012

Interior Decorations: Flower Arranging for Autumn


Sometimes, autumn can be a warm and colorful finale to an awesome summer or whip the garden with gales and rain or even suddenly clear the way to welcome winter with early frosts and extremely cold. Accordingly, what kind and how many flowers that you could collect for home interior decorating are rather unpredictable. It really makes sense to use whatever there is available at this time of year.

Most people expect autumn colors to be all the shades of orange, gold, and red only. In fact, there are many more subtle and interesting things to be had. Berries aren’t just red and orange either but can be found in olive green, blush pink, shiny black, and the earthy shades of brown. And ochre appears in nuts, seed pods and some fruits.

The Shades of Autumn

You should gather colorful leaves to dry and to press and select seed heads to preserve or varnish. Different types of moss should be collected before the weather gets worse. Many berries will dry to a subtle ghost of their former selves simply by leaving the stems in a vase of water in a warm place until the fruits have completely dried out.

Autumn arrangements are by their nature wonderful mixtures of very different things. Both dried and fresh material can be combined without looking at all strange. Simple shapes and colors seem best for some containers like baskets or anything made from natural materials. Those natural containers are the most perfect choice, especially when using the stronger autumn colors.


# A feast of fruits

Berries and fruits are a useful choice to all the other decorative things available during the autumn months. Large-sized fruits can be used as a basis for an arrangement by piling into pyramid or carefully balanced into stemmed dishes. While small fruits can be made into decorations by spearing them onto stiff wires.

Decorative fruits such as pomegranates, quinces or small squashes can be displayed for a few days before eating them. Simply lay these beautiful specimens on the decorative dishes and serving plates. You may tuck a few heads of chrysanthemums or add some fresh or pressed autumn-colored leaves in amongst them. Clusters of small bright berries or tiny miniature crab apples look pretty bunched together to make a bouquet or they can be wired round a wreath of any size or shape you like. 

Monochromatic Palette

# A monochromatic palette design

Mixed arrangements of berries (e.g. white snowberries, olive green ivy berries, glossy black privet), flowers (e.g. suede textured tuberoses, Ornithogalum arabicum), and foliage (e.g. the evergreen leaves, variegated ivies) shrivel at different rates, so you are supposed to change the water and remove dead material frequently.

Autumn Veggies

# A vase of vegetables
Decorative frilly cabbages, miniature pumpkins and miniature broccoli can also be used just like beautiful flowers. You may need to cut their roots off, and then spike them with a wooden skewer and use a foam base and wire netting in the container in order to help holding them in place.

Autumn merges into the last of summer, bringing the richness of deep reds and burgundies, oranges and chestnut browns. Displaying fruits and berries, brilliant fall flowers and sunset-colored leaves throughout your place is such a good idea. The shades of autumn can make your house more gorgeous, welcoming and lively, and the colors are easily incorporated into many interior design schemes.

Autumn-Colored Leaves

Other Home Interior Design








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